
機関 北海道⼤学北⽅⽣物圏フィールド科学センター
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere (FSC), Hokkaido University (HU)
勤務地: ⽔圏ステーション・⾅尻⽔産実験所
〒041-1613 北海道函館市⾅尻町152
Work place
Usujiri Fisheries Station (152, Usujiri, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-1613 Japan)
募集人員・件数 教授または准教授 1名
Professor or Associate Professor
分野・対象 担当ステーション:⽔圏ステーション
Aquatic Research Station, FSC, HU
Division of Research and Education: Section of Aquatic Research Graduate School: Course in Aquatic Biology, Division of Biosphere Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science, HU
Undergraduate School: School of Fisheries Sciences, HU
応募資格 (1)博⼠の学位を有するか、着任までに学位取得の⾒込みのある⽅
(1) PhD at the time of appointment
(2) Outstanding achievements and publications in the research field of aquatic biology, fisheries resource science, fisheries environmental science and marine ecology
(3) Ability in contributing to education for undergraduate students in General Education Courses and in School of Fisheries (lectures, laboratory work, seminars, exercises (including field training)), and for
graduate students in Graduate School of Environmental Science: Teaching master’s and doctoral students in the Division of Biosphere Science, Course in Aquatic Biology (lectures, laboratory work, seminars, exercises, etc.) in HU
(4) Ability in contributing to education for students in other universities in Joint Usage / Education Center (see Supplemental information 2); management and education in the special marine field courses, and educational and research supports for undergraduate and graduate students of other universities with effective use of the facilities
(5) Ability to manage facilities and research field of Aquatic Research Station and field research facilities belonging to FSC. Establishment of education and research programs at the local facilities, and achievement of relationship with the local community through the social educations. In particular, those who can take responsibility for the management of field survey and rearing facility of Usujiri Fisheries Station, and for the implementation and operation of joint projects with related organizations, local governments and private enterprises using the facility
(6) Ability to give lectures in the graduate and undergraduate courses both in Japanese and English languages. In particular, those who can actively participate in international programs implemented by our university.
締切 2024年1月19日(金)必着
Application deadline: January 19 (Friday), 2024 (JST)
その他 採⽤予定⽇:2024年4⽉1⽇以降できるだけ早い時期
Desired start date: April 1, 2024, or the earliest date after it.


問い合わせ先 北海道⼤学北⽅⽣物圏フィールド科学センター
Prof. Masahiro Nakaoka (nakaoka AT fsc.hokudai.ac.jp; replace AT with @)
Aquatic Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University