Fisheries Scienceの著者用ツール Research Square Author dashboard について

Fisheries Scienceの著者用ツール Research Square Author dashboard について

編集委員長 落合芳博

 Fisheries Scienceでは今年から著者向けのサービスとして,Author dashboardという審査の進捗状況が詳細に把握できるツールが追加されました。Author dashboardでは,査読者が選定された日や各査読者の審査結果報告完了日などが表示され,Editorial Managerの画面表示よりも詳しく審査状況を把握することができます。

 Author dashboardを利用するには,投稿後に届く案内メールに従って手続きする必要があります。Author dashboardを提供しているResearch Squareから案内のメールが届きますので,リンクからAuthor dashboardのウェブサイトにアクセスしてご利用ください。ちなみにResearch Squareは,Fisheries Scienceの印刷出版を行っているSpringer Nature社が出資している会社です。


 Author dashboardにアクセスしますと,Research Squareが提供しているその他のサービスへのリンクボタンも表示されていますが,その中にプレプリントサーバーが含まれています。当該プレプリントサーバーは論文ファイルを公開し,Fisheries Scienceの編集委員会や査読者とは別の研究者から自由にコメントを集めることができるものですが,Fisheries Scienceでは現在のところ,受理前の原稿のプレプリント公開は認めておりません。このため,誤ってプレプリント公開してしまいますと,日本水産学会の投稿規程(第2条で定めている「報文は原著で,他の刊行物に発表されていないものにかぎる。」という条件に抵触し,Fisheries Scienceへの投稿資格を失ってしまいますので,呉々もご留意ください。



Precautions against “Research Square Author dashboard” to Fisheries Science authors

Yohihiro Ochiai, Editor-in-Chief

   From this year, a new tool for authors of Springer journals including Fisheries Science, called “Author dashboard,” has been launched to enhance transparency of the peer reviw process. By using this tool, authors can check detailed status of their submissions such as dates of reviewer assignment and review result submission, which are not shown in the history view of the Editorial Manager.

   To use the Author dashboard, the author is required to subscribe the service by responding to the notification from the service provider, Research Square, and to access the website of Research Square Author dashboard from a link embedded in the E-mail. For your information, Research Square is a company sponsored by Springer, a pubisher of Fisheries Science.

   However, there is one very important point which needs authors’ precaution in the use of this tool.

   For the website of Author dashboard contains links to other services provided by Research Square, one can easily access to a preprint server service of this company in which the author can publish one’s manuscript to the public, parallel to the review by peers of Fisheries Science, and ask for free comments from anyone other than the Editor and Reviewers of Fisheries Science. This is technically capable, but this is not allowed under the present policy of Fisheries Science that prohibits preprint publication of a manuscript which is not yet accepted for publication in the journal. In this course, the manuscript published in the Research Square preprint server or any other similar service will lose a qualification to receive peer review by the Editorial Board of Fisheries Science due to the infringement of the journal’s provision for manuscript submission (, as is defined in the article 2 that “the manuscript is an original work, and it has never been and is not being submitted elsewhere.”

   Thank you for your attention to this precaution and compliance with our editorial policy.

   If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Editorial Office (