【令和2年度日本水産学会春季大会の開催中止のお知らせ-Cancellation of the 2020 JSFS Spring Meeting】




  1. 講演要旨集は予定通りに発行し、後日、参加登録者全員に郵送いたします。
  2. 講演要旨集の発行・発送をもって大会は成立したとみなし、講演要旨集に掲載された研究発表も業績として認定します。
  3. 大会は成立したとみなすこと、また、講演要旨集の作成や大会の開催準備のために、皆様からいただいた大会参加費の大部分をすでに使用していることから、大会参加費は返金いたしません。英語セッションに申し込まれた方々の大会参加費も返金いたしません。
  4. 会員交歓会費は返金いたします。返金の手続きや方法につきましては、改めてお知らせいたします。
  5. すでに講演要旨集の作成を進めておりますので、申し訳ございませんが、今後、発表の取り下げは受け付けません。
  6. 参加・研究発表を申し込まれ、まだ大会参加費を支払われていない方がおられます。公平性の観点から、それらの方々も参加費をお支払いただきますよう、お願い申し上げます 。

令和2年度日本水産学会春季大会委員長 金子豊二



Due to the current outbreak and spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Tokyo, the Society JSFS decided to cancel all events planned during the period of the Spring Meeting 2020 at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology from March 26th to 30th.

Although details will be later announced after gaining an approval of the Society directorial board on coming March 11th, we here briefly set our basic follow-up plans for this cancellation.

  • Although sessions of oral/poster presentation are cancelled, the Society prints copies of session abstracts and later mail them to all registrants of the meeting.
  • By the publication of this abstract book, the Society deems that the Spring meeting has been held and officially qualifies all presentations as contributed works to the meeting.
  • Already collected registration fees is not to be refunded to payers, but is to be used for the above-mentioned purposes (, and some part of the money has already been consumed for the preparation of the meeting), which is the same as the fees from contributors of the SDGs English session.
  • However, the Society agrees to refund the fee for the social meeting (banquet) on the March 28 evening. The society will shortly give an instruction for the refund procedure to those signed up for the social event.
  • No withdrawal of the abstract and refusal of the contribution is accepted, for the copies of the abstract book are currently at press.

We are very much sorry for this causing many troubles and inconvenience to all participants and contributors of the meeting.

Further new information will appear in https://www.gakkai-web.net/jsfs/kaikoku/.

Prof. Toyoji Kaneko
Chair of the 2020 JSFS Spring Meeting