Fisheries Science is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, which was established in 1932. Recognized as a leading journal in its field, Fisheries Science is respected internationally for the publication of basic and applied research articles in a broad range of subject areas relevant to fisheries science.
All articles are peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the field of the submitted paper. Published six times per year, Fisheries Science includes on average more than 180 articles per volume.
It has a rich history of presenting quality research in fisheries, biology, aquaculture, environment, chemistry and biochemistry, food science and technology, and social science. Separated from The Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries from Volume 60 in 1994.
Language | English |
ISSN | 0919-9268 (print version), 1444-2906(electronic version) |
Publication | bi-monthly, 6 issues per year |
Impact Factor |
1.4 (2023) |
Publication Charges | The price per page is JPY 7,600 for non-members and JPY 4,000 for JSFS society members. |
Manuscript Submission Instructions for Authors Editorial Board
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Vol. 71 (2005) ~ Lastest Issue
Member OnlyMember can access freely to electrical version of Fisheries Science by input of the ID and pass distributed from secretary of JSFS. Vol. 60 (1994)~ Vol. 70 & Vol. 68 Suppl.
- Fisheries: fishing technology, fish behavior, fishing ground, population dynamics, oceanographic conditions, acoustic and instrumentation, others
- Biology: taxonomy, morphology, physiology, ecology, nekton, benthos, plankton, seaweeds and seagrasses, others
- Aquaculture: food organisms, larval production, nutrition, grow-out, environment, diseases, breeding and heredity, others
- Environment: eutrophication, microorganisms, pollution, bio-accumulation, harmful plankton, others
- Chemistry and Biochemistry: proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, lipids, sugars, extractive components, pigments, vitamins, biologically active substances, others
- Food Science and Technology: processing, preservation, food hygiene, microorganisms, others
- Social Sciences: sociology, economics, business management, law & politics, policy science, community development, cooperative, others
Editorial Office
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
Konan 4-5-7, Minato, Tokyo 108-8477, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3471-2165 Fax: +81-3471-2054
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