[2019 AWARD WINNING PAPER] Development of an efficient bioreactor system for delivering foreign proteins secreted from liver into eggs with a vitellogenin signal in medaka Oryzias latipes

2019 Award of Excellence for the Science Papers

Fish Sci (2019) 85:677–685


Yu Murakami, Tomohisa Horibe, Masato Kinoshita


In this study, we developed a novel bioreactor system to deliver and accumulate foreign proteins in eggs using medaka fish Oryzias latipes with the aid of a partial sequence of vitellogenin (Vtg). In teleost fish, Vtg, the hepatically generated precursor of egg yolk proteins, is secreted into the bloodstream and then taken up into eggs. We predicted in silico a probable region (Vtg signal) of Vtg that mediates transportation of proteins from the liver into eggs. Then, we established two transgenic lines expressing the fused proteins including the Vtg signal and each reporter gene, enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or firefly luciferase (LUC)-fused EGFP, in the liver driven by a liver-specific choriogeninH (chgH) promoter. Each reporter signal was detected from the fertilized eggs spawned by the transgenic females, showing successful transportation of the proteins into the eggs with the Vtg signal. This is the first report demonstrating that the Vtg signal has capability to deliver exogenous proteins into eggs. Because Vtg is a highly conserved protein among most of oviparous organisms, our findings hold promise for establishing bioreactor systems viable in a wide range of organisms.


Vitellogenin / Fish eggs / Bioreactor / Transgenesis / Firefly luciferase / Medaka

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