英文書籍 Fisheries Science Series

水産学(Fisheries Science)は,多くの知識ー水圏の生命,その生息場と環境,利用に関する知識,水産物を届ける活動と社会にまつわる政策や管理の知識,船と漁具,漁港に関わる技術などを人類にもたらしてくれています。このシリーズは,水産学を基礎として,水圏の生物学と環境分野についての最先端の研究成果と積み上げられた英知を日本やアジアから発信しようとするものであり,その目的は人類の福祉向上のために水産学における新たな地平を示すことにあります。



シリーズエディター 會田勝美(編集委員長)・黒倉 壽・金子豊二・東海 正

  • Series Print ISSN 2522-0470
  • Series Online ISSN 2522-0489

Fisheries Science Series: Vol. 3

Fish Population Dynamics, Monitoring, and Management

Sustainable Fisheries in the Eternal Ocean

Editors Ichiro Aoki, Takashi Yamakawa, Akinori Takasuka

This book explores how we can solve the urgent problem of optimizing the use of variable, uncertain but finite fisheries resources while maintaining sustainability from a marine-ecosystem conservation perspective. It offers readers a broad understanding of the current methods and theory for sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources, and introduces recent findings and technological developments. The book is divided into three parts: Part I discusses fish stock dynamics, and illustrates how ecological processes affecting life cycles and biological interactions in marine environments lead to fish stock variability in space and time in major fish groups; small pelagic fish, demersal fish and large predatory fish. These insights shed light on the mechanisms underlying the variability in fish stocks and form the essential biological basis for fisheries management. Part II addresses the technologies and systems that monitor changes in fisheries resources and marine ecosystems using two approaches: fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data. It also describes acoustic surveys and biological sampling, as well as stock assessment methods. Part III examines management models for effectively assessing the natural variability in fisheries resources. The authors explore ways of determining the allowable catch in response to changes in stock abundance and how to incorporate ecological processes and monitoring procedures into management models. This book offers readers a broad understanding of sustainable exploitation as well as insights into fisheries management for the next generation.

Keywords: Sustainability, Recruitment, Ecosystem monitoring, Ecosystem model, Stock variability, Fisheries management, Regime shift, Stock assessment, Acoustic survey, Harvest control rules, Management strategy evaluation, Fisheries biology, Species alteration, Marine ecosystem, Biological sampling

  • 23 May 2018
  • 245 + xiv pp.
  • Print ISBN
  • Online ISBN

Fisheries Science Series: Vol. 1


Aquaculture, Ecology, Gerontology, and Ecotoxicology

Editors Atsuchi Hagiwara, Tatsuki Yoshinaga

This book highlights the latest advances in rotifer studies in various fields including aquaculture, ecology, gerontology and ecotoxicology. The genus Brachionus are an indispensable type of zooplankton, having served as an initial live food for marine larval rearing since the 1960s. Their mass culture techniques have been intensively studied, and some essential achievements have been made – regarding high density culture, employment of valuable dietary algae, automated culture systems, and effective production of resting eggs. These have in turn supported stable and efficient aquatic seedling production for numerous important marine fish species including flounder, sea bream, and bluefin tuna. Further, this group is considered to be a suitable model for studying various aspects in ecology. A series of aquaculture and basic science studies have significantly advanced our understanding of the life history evolution. The studies in these two fields are closely linked, and provide readers with comprehensive information on how rotifers are now being employed in biological investigations.

Keywords: Aquaculture, Biology, Brachionus plicatilis, Live food, Model organism, Rotifers

  • 24 September 2017
  • 180 + xiv pp.
  • Print ISBN
  • Online ISBN
Fisheries Science Series: Vol. 2

Application of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems in Japan

Editor Toshio Takeuchi

This is the first English book to address the current development of closed recirculating aquaculture systems (cRASs) in Japan, and its implications for industry in the near future. It offers an introduction to the topic and discusses the industrial application of cRASs. Around Europe, cRASs using freshwater have been developed, but to date there is little information about cRASs using the saltwater. As such, the book introduces the technical development of cRASs using the saltwater in Japan and describes measures necessary for their industrialization. It also discusses in detail various species, e.g., flounder, pejerrey, kuruma shrimp, white shrimp and abalone, which have been raised in cRASs. Furthermore, it presents wide topics concerning the technological development of aquariums, an area in which progressive Japanese techniques dominate. Lastly, the book also examines CERAS and poly-culture in Japan.The book is a valuable resource for a wide readership, such as local government officers, energy-industry staff, maintenance and system engineers, as well as those from the construction, agriculture and fishery industries.

Keywords: Aquaculture, Closed system, Recirculation, Seed Production, cRASs, Aquaponics, Aquarium, Biomass, Ecological system, Fish farm, Poly-Eco-Aquaculture

  • 18 January 2018
  • 333 + xvii pp.
  • Print ISBN
  • Online ISBN


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(注1*) 書籍サイズ 155 x 235 mm,1頁あたりのワード数=420―440語(ダブルスペース原稿のA4版1枚程度に相当)


第3巻 『Fish Population Dynamics, Monitoring, and Management: Sustainable Fisheries in the Eternal Ocean』 刊行
第2巻 『Application of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems in Japan』 刊行
第1巻 『Rotifers: Aquaculture, Ecology, Gerontology, and Ecotoxicology』 刊行